Dual Turntables

Can anyone tell me the "pick of the litter" from the stable of Dual? I'm interested in trying one of their tables.
Follow this link for stats, pics:
http://dual-reference.com., click "Products"
Belt, idler or direct drive? I have had all three. The CS-5000 is a belt drive, a little finicky but sounds o.k. in my second system. Three speeds and nice to look at. Auto lift & off is a welcome feature, the tonearm is pivoted at the level of the platter for reduced wow. -78 db.S/N., removable headshell (graphite, some are VTA adjustable) helps, too. If PRaT is your thing, check out idler or DD. 1219 & 1229's are vintage classics. Dual purists like the earlier 10-- series.
vintage 1039. 1229, 505-, 5000(there are a few more legends as well)...the new the new line is very solid too....no nostalgic price, but the new 505 is as good as anything in its price range.
I had a 1019 for a few years and it did it's thing. It was OK for a post-college turntable, but I wouldn't sell my Rega to get it back.

The best way to find out is to buy a bunch of them, and take them apart. I did exactly that on my journey to becoming a manufacturer, and it is my honest opinion that the 1019 is the pick of the litter. I didn't buy every one of the different models, maybe six or seven. Anyway, the 1019 has the best build level of those I did buy. Its weakness is the spindle bearing because it was made for a stack spindle with the option to use a single play spindle. Anyway, the 1019 lacks the accuracy and dynamics of a really, really high-end deck, but she is a reasonably musical old girl who can deliver a fair amount of enjoyment.
