Esoteric K01: What are the best settings for CD?

The Esoteric K01 has several up-conversion and filter options for CD play-back. Unfortunately, each up-conversion option and each filter option requires approximately 500 hours of 'break-in' to sound it's best. I have owned the Esoteric K01 since it's release. It is a superb SACD and CD player. I have 'broken in' some but not all filter and up-conversion settings. I am still unable to decide which combination I like best. I am currently using S_DLY1 (for digital filter) and 2Fs (for up conversion). I would like to know what settings other Esoteric K01 owners like best. It would be helpful if If you can explain why those settings sound better to you than other combinations. I wonder which settings the experts at Esoteric/Teac would recommend?
@ Kiwi_1282001, Hi, Well said my friend!, I am going to audition a k-03, However, I am parcel to the musicality group of listeners for digital players, God knows I have enough resolving, detailed sound and body to my sound, I will not have any analitical eanything in my system!, like I said, I will listen to Esoteric, Does not mean I will buy it unless it satisfies my flavor of sound,, cheers.
Audiolabyrinth, if you audition K-03, include a listen to the Sdly1 filter... Its character might be in the general domain of your sonic preference. G.
I've just changed my settings on my player. As I reported above, I started with Slow Delay1 plus no upsampling. I became dissatisfied with the sound after awhile and I've now switched to Slow Delay2 with 4x upsampling. this combination currently sounds best to me. after about five months with this player.

That is so good to know. And therein lies the beauty of the K-01. It caters to eveyone's personal taste(even as that, too, changes over time) and/or system, not to mention the recording on hand.
Happy listenng!