Morch Moerch UP4 or DP6

I'm considering a Morch arm, but not sure which to get. Is the premium of the DP6 over the UP4 worth it? Sonically I mean.
Ptm, I also have an Audio Craft which is a unipivot and I don't like the rocking action so I agree with your point.

Harv: Yes the price has increased significantly recently, so I agree with your point.
I have done side by side comparisons of the UP-4 and the DP-6. The DP-6 does sound considerably better, but it also costs more. I really do not like the ergonomics of the UP-4, too wobble'y. If the difference was only the sound then it would be a harder choice, both offer good sound for the buck. But when the ergonomics are factored in I think the DP-6 is a much better choice. I also think the 12" armwand is well worth the extra money if your table will accommodate it.
I owned the silver wired UP-4 and was very unhappy with the arm. There was an unnatural liveness in the upper midrange coupled with curtailed bass. Turntable was VPI MK111 and cartridges were VanDenHul MM-1 and Grado Signature 10. Yuck, really yuck. I would even prefer a Rega 300. YMMV.
To close the loop, I just picked up a DP6. Hope to have it installed by next week.