Best Arm for Raven One?

I am thinking about getting a Raven One TT. Would like to hear from owners. What arms do you like for this table?
Is there a difference between the Phantom and the Phantom II on this turntable ? the phantom can be had for used$2500 in the used market vs $5000 for the Phantom II.

thanks. Noli there a difference between the Phantom and the Phantom II on this turntable ?

Well, between Phantom and Phantom II is a difference.
How much you can hear from it on that turntable I don' t know.
I have a Graham Phantom 2 on it's way to me. I can't wait to get it on my Raven One.
As I'll be getting a Raven One in the very near future, the consensus for the arms used in this TT as follows:

Graham Phantom I, II
Ortofon 12" Arm
Dynavector arms

Any other contenders like the ones from SME, Naim, Haddock, Rega, Origin Live, Moerch, etc ?

Also, how many guys here have converted their Raven One to Raven two (two arms with separate motor) ?

Thanks for the inputs.

I tried to ask about conversion from Raven One to Raven Two, but never got a reply...How much it cost where you live (I mean the conversion kit)?