Equi Tech Q-2 or Powersnake Hydra

Anyone compared these two? Interesting in buying one of this fine product for my system 2 channel and hometheater equipments, which one can handle my 400 watts power amp, and bat preamp se version. Any info will be appreciated.
I have not had the opportunity to listen to any of the products from Foundations Research. Most of the popular conditioners like the ones I listened to before are really good and all seem to have their specific strengths. Before I heard the Stealth in my system, I preferred the CFX over the others I mentioned. It seemed to give me a much more transparent & detailed but even sweeter presentation with a fantastic bottom end. The CFX was no exception. It was very fussy about powercords. Even the input cable made as much difference as what cables were feeding my components. It was really one big juggling act...

As good as the CFX was, I inserted the Stealth and it's contributions and impovements over the CFX were instantly identifiable and it kind of shocked me because I wasn't expecting much. It was pretty startling actually. What I specifically heard at plug-in was the this stripping of a haze & blurriness and in it's place was a directness that I never heard with any of the other products I've tried. After a few hours of settling I began to hear this wealth of harmonics develop. Music was really more coherent and lifelike.

The Stealth took a few weeks to totally settle in. At this point there were a couple of things it was doing. The first one is a high frequency and bass presentation that is so remarkable and lifelike it's just plain awesome. The second one is this sense of transparency and sense of nothing between you and the music. The sense of transparency I'm trying to convey is that sense of directness which is the same thing I noticed when I had my first experience with electrostatic speakers. The last and really it's the most important aspect for me is that thing took my system way up in its' emotional performance...

I have the stealth and it is awesome but if you saw it you'd swear the thing didnt cost more than a hundred bucks. Anyways ... i havent compared it to anything like tony has. I read the comprehensive review on enjoythemusic.com and i was sold. Not to mention it was cheaper than the hydra. Anyways, all i know is that it made a huge difference in my system... and i am grateful. Thanks
Also I heard there is a new product from Magic call matrix I think had anyone heard of it.