For Basis TT owners does the VPI SDS work?

I was wondering if anyone has used the VPI SDS power conditioner/speed regulator for their Basis turntable? The Basis Synchro thing is very expensive!

thanks for any input.

The next question for those who have used an external speed controller is - how much better is the sound? Is the frequency extension better? More silent backgrounds? Less Wow and flutter?? Is it worth the extra thousand(s).

With the Walker, I noticed a surprising degree of improvement on my Notts Hyperspace. Musical instruments were much better separated in space. Vocals were cleaner. The position of the phase switch on the Walker made a huge difference. I was very surprised on both counts. I was a sceptic beforehand. I am now using the Walker on my Lenco. It's perfect for the Lenco or Notts motor, because they're single-phase. At least I see/saw no phase-splitting capacitor in or on either motor.
I've used both the VPI SDS and the Walker Precision Motor Controller on my Basis 2500 Signature. Each product improved the speed acurcey by degrees and you can hear the music improvement easily. The Walker was my final choice because it did more to lock in the speed. This translated to improvement across the musical spectrum, better image control, and just more natural music.

The caveat is that (I thnk) Jay Conti says his (Basis) AC motor needs three phase control and that single phase control is not as good as his Basis speed control product ($3900.00). This also requires new belt ($xxx), and requires modifications done to the Basis AC motor ($xxx). Jay Conti is most likely right. After all, he is the genius behind Basis excellent products.
A bit of clarification: The basis motor is two-phase. Not three-phase.

It uses a phase splitting cap as most all two-phase AC synchronous motors do if powered directly off single phase AC from the wall or something like a Walker or SDS.

One of the benefits of the Synchro-Wave controller is as I stated above.

The owner of basis uses the name A.J. Conti.

I hope this helps and clears up some inconsistencies.
