DaVinci tonearm and azymuth

Great tonearm. Unfortunately the azymuth is several degrees from flat, clearly visible with the naked eye. Has anyone else had this problem with DaVinci? Should I just adjust the balance with my preamp and live with it?

I believe I stated that I'm not going to debate setting azimuth. I clearly stated the software does not work the way you described and your subsequent post seems to acknowledge that your previous assumption about the software functionality was incorrect.

The point of my post was for clarification only.


I believe it is the later being frequency specific which is to our benefit. In practical application, it allows us to go beyond the loose standard of 1KHz if we choose to.

I apologize but my time online is short this morning.

Dre, I am not discussing azimuth adjustment either.
As there is nothing to discuss in a simple geometrical issue like this.
And I clearly stated that the F. software does function in a way which gives a wrong result - at least regarding azimuth "adjustment".
Period. I know it - I have it (the Freickert software...) at hand.....
So my post was purely for clarification too.

Dear Jtimothya, to determine the correct output for each channel you do not use a test record.

Maybe. The goal is merely to compensate for channel output differences prior to taking readings for the purpose of setting a decent azimuth. Whether you use a stylus cleaner or the stylus moving in a groove cut for a known frequency, the net result of what you're doing is basically the same. The cartridge doesn't know where its input comes from. If you have a point it seems to be about the specific frequency used to put the motor in motion.

From what I know the methods described in my post have yielded proven results. Thanks for your comment.
It reads "correct" and "each channel" and your cartridge (and - btw - me too...) do see some important difference between tracking a groove wall with most likely misaligned azimuth or being forced to generate output independent of stylus position ( one channel is always louder if azimuth is off....) ...... but if your method gives satisfying (or "proven") results for you - great!