TTWeights new Black Onyx Idler drive Turntable

About three weeks ago I drove to Newmarket. It is about an hours drive from Brampton, but I wanted to listen to Larry's 'Christine' turntable. When I got there I found Larry all excited about his newer turntable. A less expensive, more heavily damped version of Christine (and much less expensive). He explained to me how Christine was way overbuilt. There is no reason for a one horsepower motor, way overkill. His 1" carbide main bearing shaft was also way too much, and the shape of Chrisine's plinth did nothing for resonance control. Along comes the Black Onyx, still in R & D, so off I went back to Brampton.

I went back three weeks later, that was a couple of days ago, and with an armful of albums, sat down for a long listen. I will say that a long listen is not necessary. It took about ten seconds to realise this was something very special. Everything from Cat Stevens, Bruce Cockburn and Jeena Lodwick to Dire Straits and YES. Without fail, every single track on every album left me with goosebumps. Singers seamingly playing for me in his office did nothing for my bank account. He now has my deposit, and I wait patiently.

My turntables have all been belt drive. Many years ago I purchased a Heybrook TT2. This was commonly referred to as a baby Linn. My next table was a JA Michell GyroDec (mostly because I thought it looked wicked), and finally to the Teses 340. I will say the jump from the Michell to the Teres was only equaled by the next jump to the Black Onyx. I think I can safely say Idler Drive turntables are a wonderful idea. The Saskia is highly regarded, as is the new VPI. Both idler drive. If you can get to TTWeights for a listen, you'd be doing yourself a favor.

The rest of my system is thus; ZYX Universe cartridge, TriPlanar and Schroeder DPS tonearms, Atma-Sphere MP-1 mklll preamp, Atma-Sphere MA-1 Silver edition amps, EMM Labs CDSAse, Magnum Dynalab MD-108T tuner, and an older pair of ProAc Response 2 speakers. I sold my Coincident TVll'2 and am building speakers using Accuton mid and tweeter, with SEAS 10" woofers. Still months away.

My listening room is almost complete and should be finished about the same time as the Black Onyx. I will get back to you after that.
Dear Alec,
I really am not qualified to give you a general answer that covers all the bases. I can only say that in my limited experience, highest quality vintage DD turntables sound better than "very good" modern belt drive-turntables at around the $5K cost point. This means I hear better pitch definition, a more "lively" sound, better definition of individual musical instruments. The belt-drive tables in this price range can however deliver a "big" soundstage compared to a DD table. To get the DD tables to compete at big sound you have to experiment with plinths, either heavy dense ones made of slate or hardwood or minimal ones, which I am told also work. IME, my Lenco idler drive in a slate plinth is also quite wonderful and delivers a huge soundstage, bigger even than my Notts Hyperspace was ever able to do. The Lenco beats the Notts in most other ways, too. Piano is divine.
Alec, I too was waiting for Lew's answer. I will say that what I heard at TTWeights is exactly as Lew describes. The pitch control of the Black Onyx was something I have never experienced. Listening to the Black Onyx raised the hairs all over from top to bottom. When listening to Bruce Cockburn's singing, it was as if his voice hung in the air. I swear I could see his vocal cords moving. It was the best I had ever heard bar none.

When I listen to my tape drive Teres, I like the presentation. Up intil now I have never heard better. I will however say there is no comparison, the Black Onyx Idler drive is heads and shoulders above my Teres. I will go on record that I have never listened to an idler design before, so I cannot compare it to any other idler table. I do not doubt that Lew's Lenco is fabulous. The Saskia is, from what I have read, also in that 'fabulous' category. The new VPI idler recently won best of in one of the top magazines.

I should have my new table in the near future.
Thanks Lewm.
Dear Cousinbillyl, looking forward to more postings from you on your forthcoming Black Onyx.
Happy New Year.
I have really good news, and a little bitty bad news. Larry is a man on a mission. He is taking his table design to the nth degree. He is trying out even better motors then the one I heard. He is experimenting with other even more 'processing power' controllers, he is trying even larger plinth's that will accomodate 12" arms. I was suppose to have #0001, but now I have told him to send it to the Europeans, I will wait for the Platunum table. I will get back to you folks next week. Larry will have his prototype of the larger platinum up and running next week, and I have to hear it. I will go with the same albums, listen, and report back.

PS; It pains me to say: 'My JA Michell/Triplanar/ZYX Universe' smokes the EMM Labs CDSAse. I can't wait to hear Larry's new table, which originally easily bested my Teres 340.
look forward to feedback. Let me verify, the onyx is an idler drive? Was your teres upgraded to the rimdrive? BTW, still enjoying the UNIverse you sold to me. I have it mounted on my Maplenoll Ariadne signature.