J.A. Mitchell TecnoDec vs. Clearaudio Emotion CMB

I plan to upgrade my existing turntable in the next year or two. I prefer a natural, organic presentation that is highly musical - I listen primarily to blues, folk, indie, and rock (lots of acoustic stuff).

I'm considering the following two options:
1) Clearaudio Emotion CMB w/ Satisfy Tonearm (perhaps w/ upgraded feet)
2) J.A. Michell TecnoDec w/ RB250 Special

I will pair the TT with the following:
- Naim Nait 5i-2
- Naim CD5i-2
- Pro-Ject Tube Box II
- Harbeth P3ESR

So, based on my requirements, which TT would you recommend and why? Thanks!
I would think a Phono Cartridge choice will be as important as a TT . I would guess a " Top of the Line " Moving Magnet [ Clearaudio , Grado , Soundsmith [ MI ] etc. ] will be in order . Although I prefer Low Output MC Cartridges , they may cost half as much again [ and more ] as your TT of choice .

Think of your TT and Cartridge as a whole component to insure synergy .
Granted, but my strategy is to pick a TT first, then to identify appropriate cartridge options. I've always been told that investing in the source is what's most important - tonearms and cartridges come and go. Besides, given the plethora of MM/MC options out there, I'm sure I can find a synergistic match for either TT.

So, sidestepping the question of which cartridge I will be pairing with each, which TT do you feel represents the best fit? What about value?
Hello Jferreir,

If you can have the Michell Tecnoarm on that Tecnodec that's the best choice between the two TT.
Great underrated arm

My cent!
I have the Clearaudio Performance with Satisfy arm and Lyra Helikon and love it. It's a no-nonesense, easy to maintain setup that sounds wonderful. I think it's strong points are sound-staging, pace, and an even treatment of frequencies, with no particular area out-shining the others (bass, mids, highs). It's very engaging and present, as opposed to laid-back or romantic. I would say it errs on the accurate side of organic, but not in a sterile or mechanical way--just that it's not the lush side of organic.

My friend has the Tecnodec and he loves it as well. My experience with suspended tables is that they can be highly musical and perhaps a bit lusher, but maybe not as faithful to the recordings as an unsuspended design. Again, doesn't mean I'm right, but in my discussions with my buddy about our tables (he's heard mine, I haven't heard his) he thinks mine perhaps bests his on sound staging and PRaT, while his is perhaps sweeter sounding.

I don't think you can go wrong here either way. If I were doing it again I wouuld perhaps focus on the arm and cartridge first, then figure out the table, but who knows. Enjoy!