alternative power supply for Garrard 301

I have just acquired a refurbished Garrard 301. Intend to pair it with a 8 layered marine ply or baltic plinth ,or preferably a double layered slate plinth ( if I can find 2 pieces of 50mm slate slab). Tonearm will probably be 12" Reed 2P on a separate platform and matched with Miyajima shilabe. The only issue I have now is separate power supply. Off course I can always buy a Loricraft PSU 301 AR for GBP2500. Beside Loricraft PSU, I read about Wave Mechanics by
Martin Bastins used with Nottingham turntable but its seems a higher powered unit can be use for Garrard. However cant seems to find a source for it. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated
You can use a PS Audio regenerator, the older P300,500,600. All have adjustable frequency and voltage. I just finished a 301 using butcher block maple and baltic birch, looks and sounds great. I put 2 arms on it, fidelity research 64s and a triplanar with a Myajima Shilabe and premium mono. Have fun.
Re your statement about a higher powered unit, it is true that the Garrard motor consumes 18W, I think. You will need to be sure that any outboard power controller is capable of that much output. For example the Garrard motor might strain the Walker Audio Precision Motor Controller (my personal favorite), which I think is limited to 15W. (Ask Lloyd Walker to be sure.) The Loricraft units are unnecessarily expensive for what they do, IMO, perhaps owing to the current exchange rate between pound and dollar.
I believe Allnic makes one for the garrard 301. Contact Hammertone Audio for more info
i use the Loricraft PSU 301 AR on my Dobbins-Garrard 301. i have not heard it without the Loricraft so i cannot really say how much it is contributing to the overall performance. OTOH myself and every other visitor to the room is drawn to the Garrard with it's wonderful pace and swing.

i know there are a few efforts being made to offer lower cost alternative Garrard power supplies. i might recommend contacting Steve Dobbins for what alternatives he might know about.

it's too bad that power supplies make so much difference; and that the best of them are often are very expensive. but many times power supplies make up a good portion of the value of a product. when it comes to speed of a tt, the sound will likely continue to improve as the power gets better and better.