Question regarding reputation of SOTA tables

I'm a SOTA Sapphire owner. I've noticed that Stereophile and Absolute Sound never mention SOTA tables. Reviewers don't appear to own them nor are SOTAs ever on the "recommended" list of components. Are SOTAs that poor of a table? What gives?
Kirk overhauled my table back in 2005. It still has the original springs which probably need replacing. He recommends that I have my arm rewired, and have him upgrade my table to a series III Nova. That would be the most cost effective upgrade path. Either that or trade my Sapphire in for a series III Nova. That would cost a little more.
how or where you're components 'rank' does not matter if you dig them. the cool stuff nearly always lives outside the pages of magazines.
Once your into a Sota your always upgradeable. Kirk & Donna from Sota just upgraded my Star to a Nova and I'm a very happy camper! Perhaps someday (not in the near future) I will persue the Cosmos upgrade. FYI TAS did an extensive review on the Cosmos snd this table is still highly recommended.
I have had 3 Sota TT in the last 25 years. Star, Nova series V and now a Cosmos IV with Graham Phantom and Dynavector XV1's.

The Stereophile reviewer the guy upstairs is talking about who had reviewed the Cosmos a few years back was Paul Bolin. Paul Seydor from TAS concluded his review of the Cosmos as best TT this side of an SME30 or something to that effect.

Customer service and tech support is top notch. Actually i was talking with Kirk on Friday about a custom made armboard that i need made to my specs.

I would not worry too much about the reputation of a manufacturer that has been around for 25 years. You would not worry about the reputation of Audio Research.....Same holds true with Sota.