Question regarding reputation of SOTA tables

I'm a SOTA Sapphire owner. I've noticed that Stereophile and Absolute Sound never mention SOTA tables. Reviewers don't appear to own them nor are SOTAs ever on the "recommended" list of components. Are SOTAs that poor of a table? What gives?
I have not posted here for a long time.I've left the hobby,due to many mfgr's letting me down with poor service,extreme costs,and just plain old non caring attitudes....Not to mention way to over priced products....

but....I owned many Sota products over the 40 years in the hobby(I now collect and play acoustic guitars,so I still enjoy my music,actually more than ever).
I have a few old time friends who did write for TAS and Stereophile,with fabulous systems and they introduced me to many other reviewers/hobbysits over the years.

I basically have seen it and heard it all(almost).I had a huge LP collection that I sold last year."That",I still miss,but what the heck-:)

Anyway,SOTA absolutely makes a superb product!!!PERIOD!!!

I had many variations of almost every model.The COSMOS is amazing in being a "complete" design!!
It has been updated over the "years",to an amazing level of performance.....and....

"That",IMO is the reason why Sota gets little attention.They simpy have been around too long,and current audio "types" are way too into the latest gadget.Sorry!

A loss for those having to see something in a magazine(advertising costs a bundle,and Sota is fairly priced,so maybe they cannot afford to spend the advertising costs involved).

In any event,IMO,a "thinking hobbyist" who really looks at what is important in a table design will recognize these products are superb,by any standard.

I honestly believe that if they "blinged up" their products,with little improvement to actual design(not that they need any)and charged ALOT more many folks would take notice....A pity actually!

Reviewers(I know more than a few)"hype" the latest,and some of these are quite good,but SOTA stuff is rediculously good,"and" the ownership TRULY cares about their customer base.

In today's climate of insanely priced components,SOTA is a breath of fresh air....Fresh air that has been around a long time.

Just my two cents-:)
I have a Star Sapphire that's been upgraded. You can spend a heluva lot more money for a lot less turntable. Always a pleasure to use.
Hey Sirspeedy,

Where would you rank the SOTA Millenia in pool of big fish turntables? And is it a significant step above the Cosmos and Nova to justify the expenditure?
I like the appearance of the Cosmos,but that is just me.The benefit of the Millenia is having a separate motor,which would be easy to service,as well as a bit less noise introduced into the plinth.

Don't get me wrong,as there are numerous fine products out there,but virtually anything SOTA is going to be superb,and the vacuum feature is just fabulous,IMO.

This is a very conservative company,and they are concerned with keeping existing customers happy.They have thousands of units in the field,due to their long history,so that gets the most attention.
One reason why they don't(need) to really advertise much.

Reviewers' jobs are to keep us abreast of what is new.That is just fine,but new does not mean better,and it "does" usually mean more expensive.

Good luck
Sirspeedy is right on the money. I have also long experience with the Sota line and would put a Cosmos IV or Millenia up against anything out there. The Millenia adds a further refinement which would be a possible benefit in an extremely revealing system. I have heard these tables in direct comparisons to several of the most highly reviewed tables and found the Sotas to be the equal of anything Ive heard them compared to.