M2Tech HiFace - using it? Like it?

On the Tweak Geek website this little gizmo looks pretty slick and a much simpler way of converting USB to SPDIF. My Pop Pulse does the same thing but it is bulky (by comparison) and the USB capability is terrible at 44/16 max. BTW I use a Mac Pro and iTunes.

If you are using the M2Tech I would appreciate your feedback.
jkeny here
I just came across this thread :)

Thanks Curt (cdm)!

Yes, I've said before that the main mods account for 95% & the cable mod about 5% of sonic improvements.

As for the "Evo" - it still has internal regulators which I bypass & is the core of my modifications to the standard Hiface. The Evo has lots of options & flexibility. I would be happy to test my mods against the standard Evo - it is interesting to ask Marco from M2tech what he thinks is the best sounding (I know his answer!)
Honestly, I haven't a clue. I just ignorantly assumed that I could find a 5V supply! It wasn't that easy.

I "googled" 5V rechargable battery and found in nice, clean, compact, rechargable, w/charger unit for $90, but couldn't swallow the price. I'm glad I waited, since my hiFace mod died the first time I tried to charge it.

Glad I kept my stock hiFace BNC while I sort this out with jkeny!
John - thanks for joining in. (Pete B here) Cdm - I'm with you. That extra 5% isn't worth all the trouble. You must have kept your original HiFace and had John do a mod on another one. Smart move actually. I've had the same thought. If both are working well I would use the original HiFace for my headset amp. I'm confident that John will make it right for you.

The new version offered by HiFace has a lot of options that have no benefit for me. I'll be happy with the original mod if it performs like you experienced.
About the 5V supply - I too think that there is a lot of effort for a 5% improvement but so many people asked me for this that I provided this option via the modified USB cable. Some people also get fixated by this 5% & forget about the bigger picture but there you go. I think your pragmatic approach is the way to go, Pete.

The 5V can/could be addressed at a later stage if desired.

I should correct my statement above to "ask Marco what he thinks MIGHT be the best sounding"
Here's the follow-up I got from John Kenny after he received my faulty hiFace mod:

“I just this morning received your Hiface & immediately opened it up to test it. Rather than it being a burnt out switch, I found a bad solder joint on the switch to one of the batteries. This prevented this battery from being re-charged. So the battery (that goes under the Hiface) now measures 2.7V The battery is the one that is connected to the LED & this explains how it dimmed after 10 mins (something I couldn't explain at the time) - the depleted battery will recover a small amount of its charge when left to sit & when reconnected this charge is enough to light the low current LED but at too low a voltage for the Hiface. I have put a new test procedure in place to prevent this problem in the future. Sorry you had to be the one that uncovered this & that you were an international postage away."

John's a completely trustworthy guy and the SQ of his hiFace mod is superb.