Project Acryl-it Platter

I have a Debut 3 with Speedbox 2 and Ortofon OM 20 stylus upgrade. Really hate the felt mat that sits on top of the Steel Platter. Considering getting the Acryl-it Platter or possibly a Herbie's Way Excellent Mat or something comparable.

Not sure which way to go and was wondering if any other Project owners could share their experiences with upgrading their Platter and or mat. Would like to keep the cost within the price ranges of the above options.
If this can help you decide, I have the RPM10 which ofcourse has an acrylic platter. Still, Herbies mat offered noticeable improvement. On the other hand, I disliked the Boston Audio graphite mat which I thought thinned the sound.
Hi Pefstratiou

So you put a Herbie's mat on top of the acrylic platter as well. Very interesting. I was under the impression the acrylic platter didn't require the mat. Good to know this as well. I have a bunch of things to try.
Hi, Jedinite24; I use a Herbie's Way Excellent mat with my mmf-7 turntable, which has an acrylic platter, and I agree with Pefstratiou that the sound is improved using the mat. Improved dynamics, reduced noise, better tonal balance. However, you may want to start with the Herbie's mat and see if the improvements are just what you're after without spending even more money on the Acryl-it platter. The Debut III may not be worth putting too much money into upgrades and I found that adding a Herbie's mat to my mmf-2.1 made a big improvement and it now sounds quite good.

More food for thought and don't forget that it's just another opinion. :-)

My experience with the Herbie's mat with the Acr-It is opposite the last two posts. It may have cut down on noise a little bit, but it sounded over-damped to my ears. Overall, everything seemed dull.

I really liked the Herbie's mat and I really like the Acryl-It. Just don't like them together - too much of a good thing to my ears.

The Acryl-It was better, hence why I kept it. Not night and day better, but better none the less.

As everyone else's stated, I think the Herbie's mat is the better VFM in this case. If you're dead set on never upgrading the Debut, them might as well get the Acryl-It. If not, get the Herbie's mat.

I'd upgrade to an Xpression, but that's just me. Actually, I did upgrade from a Debut to a 1Xpression. Capable of a far better cartridge, far better tonearm, plinth, and so on. The Debut III is a great deck, but the Xpression is better in every (except the awful Sumiko Oyster stock cart!). The Speedbox you already have easily takes the Xpression up a level or two.
Forgot to say...

For reference sake, I have a 1Xpression, Acryl-It, Speedbox, and Dynavector 10x5. I use the internal phono stage in my Bryston B60.