Dynavector XV-1s vs. Soundsmith The Voice?

I've been looking for a high end cartridge for my Well Tempered Reference turntable and these are the two carts which have been repeatedly recommended based on my sonic priorities and desire for a more exciting, clean, engaging listen (previously used a Koetsu Rosewood Signature).

I already purchased The Voice and expect to have one in my possession shortly. I heard an ultra high compliance one very briefly and it was an interesting and very 'different' sound than I was used to.

Can any offer any sort of comparison between these two cartridges? I mostly buy used, so the large MSRP discrepancy is mitigated.
I see. So you thought you were getting the 22cu model but got the 28. I have a wood body version on the way.
Honestly, the specs meant little to me as I suck at the tech part of the hobby. I wanted a Voice based on my reading of it, linked the audiogon ad to a buddy who told me it would be fine for my arm (based on the specs in ad).

Shame for the crack/compliance as the seller was a nice guy and the price was very right.

BTW--the seller did tell me after the fact that if I remain interested in the voice in the future and ever change tone arms to consider the ultra high compliance and that it was significantly better.
I've heard the XV-1t, XV-1s, TKR, and 17D3 several times on the new Well Tempered table and the match is great. Not sure how that works out with your table, but if I had the newer table i would use it with the Dynavector.

Thanks, but this thread actually came back from the dead. I've got a Zu 103 I'm using on the WTR these days and a Denon 103D sitting as a standby. Aside from liking the sound of both of them, I just don't feel that comfortable with multi-kilobuck carts.

I AM however still at a toss up as to checking out the newer WT offerings (Amadeus or Simplex) or perhaps something vintage. I had a really hard time reaching a synergy with my WTR and started fantasizing about other decks as I struggled to get things sounding nice. Now as they finally do, my mind still wanders on occasion...
09-27-10: Gopher
I've got a Zu 103 I'm using on the WTR these days and a Denon 103D sitting as a standby.
What's your take on the sonic differences between the two. I have a 103D and have always wondered how the others sound.