TW Raven 10.5" Tonearm

Hi All

I'm 'considering' a TW Raven tonearm BUT that silly looking bird painted on the bearing section really puts me off. I've got in contact with TW Acustic but he will not return my emails. The silly looking painted bird looks so out of place on a tonearm. My 4 year old daughter painted one just like it last week.

Does anyone know if it is screen printed on or etched. If screen printed I could take it off with paint stripper!

I am sure the Raven arm is excellent, it is very expensive. I use the Ortofon 309D on my Raven One and could'nt be happier. For the price it is great value and it is the arm Thomas at TW, has been using on his Raven one
I heard the 10.5" a few weeks ago and it sounded VERY good BUT I have also heard people (as well as TW) say the 309D is only a few points away from a Graham Phantom and Triplanar!

The Raven tonearm will have to go someway to beating a Triplanar. It's hard getting to hear all these tonearms together...that's the problem.

I need to compare the TW 10.5" to a Phantom or 309D. I have seen a comment on the 309D/ PW Winfeld being a match made in heaven.
I know audiophiles are picky about appearance, but I think this is a bit over the top. If you are sitting in your listening chair can you see the bird? As downunder says - how does it sound? TW always delivers a well designed and great sounding product, and to me the sound is the most important aspect. So enjoy the music and let Thomas design and put what he wants on the tonearm.
Hi Darkstar....

I have to get up after every side and see that bloody pidgeon!
I'd rather it be a picture of it dead on its back :))