
Just yesterday read in Stereophile about this new tool for setting azimuth electrically. Sounds interesting, but also IMO is slightly borderline for myself to decide whether the cost ($250) would justify buying such a tool?

Downside with myself, is my Arm is not adjustable in azimuth, unless I maybe throw a Pipe Wrench on the Armtube?

Still, would be interesting to get other's opinions, and hopefully soon, some user's accounts of such a tool? Mark
Also when I say soundcard, I should say that that the Microphone input on the Macbook is good enough for azimuth and speed. For frequency measurements a better soundcard (e.g. Agogee Duet) would be preferable.
My position is that setting az by some measurement technique is a good way to get to the ballpark. It is still required to fine tune by ear to get the best sound, IMO. Saying that, I realize that most people will just stay with what the meter tells them and be happy.
I had a very similar experience as Gjrad. My ears, friends ears something not right. I own the Fozgometer too and used it to dial in azimuth. What was not right now is!!! The Fozgometer works well and I've now adjusted azimuth on three other cartridges/headshell combinations. In each case the improvement was noticeable.
Have any of you tried another independent method to compare the results obtained with the Fozgometer? For example, measuring crosstalk in each channel using a voltmeter with the same 1kHz test tones used for the azimuth calibration using the Fozgometer. Presumably the crosstalk difference (from measured voltages) is close to a minimum when the Fozgometer readings are the same (??)