Well Tempered Classic or Technics SP10Mk2

I am currently using a Well Tempered Classic with a Grado Sonata Cartridge. I have the opportunity to purchase a Technics SP10 mk2 with EPA 100 tonearm with the Obsidian base. I like the Well Tempered Table but I have read much about the new respect for the Technics direct drives. Will going to the Technics be an improvement over the Well Tempered or more of a lateral move? The rest of my system is Beveridge 2sw Electrostats with Shahinian Contrabombarde subwoofer. I use the VTL ultimate preamp.Thanks in advance. Bob
IMHO-the Well Tempered Classic is heads and heels above the Technics. Good luck
I think it's not as simple as which one is better, because the SP10's that I have heard have been some of the best playback systems I have ever heard, when set up correctly.

The obsidian base and arm should be replaced if you want to compete, or beat your excellent Well Tempered. Some of the great bases for sale on here, when matched with an excellent tonearm (Tri-planar, TransFi Termintator3, SME, Origin, etc) sound absolutely stellar.

But it will take some time and effort. The turntable is where the value is with the SP10, it's rock solid as far as speed stability, so if it's base is stable, and the arm is great it allows you to use many differnt cartridges. I have been thinking about switching to an SP10 too, even though I love my current table. Just seems like fun to match the pieces, and they really do sound stellar.
What is the problem with the Technics EPA-100 tonearm? From what I have read, it is highly rated, can accomodate any type of cartridge due to its dampening method, is made of titanium, very well constructed and is highly sought after?
Thanks for the differing perspectives. I was really hoping that the obsidian base would be adequate for the SP-10. It has been told by others that the EPA-100 tonearm is excellent.
I am not one who wants to engage in a matter of diminishing returns.