Can a broken leg from a tube be soldered and used?

I received used 6C33C-B tubes, but one of them has two legs broken. Can the broken legs soldered and the tube can be used again? Or, would I rather purchase a new tube?

This tube looks odd. It is such a bid body, but the legs are just same size of small tubes like 12AX7.
Dgarretson, do you mean that 6C33C-B tubes do not need to be matched?

Lewm, how much did you pay for? Over $100 per piece, right?
The tube tubes will be used with my vk60.
I guess new sets of 4x6C33C-B and 8x6SN7 from BAT would cost me at least $600, right?
Ihcho, I have been through many retubings of VK75SE without matching. From the owner's manual: "...implements a sophisticated autobias circuit that automatically compensates for tube aging and line fluctuations, as well as marginal mismatching of tubes." Moreover, IME in BAT amp these tubes deteriorate sonically after 1200 hrs. The improvement gained through frequent retubings is likely greater than the effect of scrupulous matching. Finally, for what you propose to pay you could be making dramatic mods to that unit.
Dear Ihcho, It was several years ago that I bought the 6C33Cs from Victor. I bought two sets of six matched pairs each. At that time, I think Victor had the inside rail to obtain tubes that had been built in the Ulyanov factory in the early 90s. Those are said to be the best run of 6C33Cs. I either paid $80 per matched pair (i.e., $40 per tube) or $100 per matched pair. I really think it was the former amount. But bear in mind that this transaction might have taken place as long as 10 years ago. Anyway, since you have a BAT amp, they should give you some sort of deal, but it would have to be based on current values. You have a high-end amplifier; why compromise on the output tubes? They will last a long time.
Ihcho, A belated question. How long are the stubs on the damaged tube. If they are long enuf to make good contact in the sockets that may be good enuf. The actual contact area is usually closer to the glass envelope than at the base of the pins. FWIW.
Newbee makes a good point. But you do have to feel confident you have a firm contact that won't short out during use. Also, as I recall the ceramic sockets for the 6C33C are fairly thick before you reach the metal contact points, which places a constraint on how short the pins can be and still achieve reliable contact.