Jack White's Streaming Vinyl

One rather strong advocate for Vinyl.

I admire his intent, howeve, Jack White’s idea of streaming live analog music is to take analog picture and sound, digitize it, and then send it out via the internet and through the digital sound card in your computer. Did I really need this supposed 'genius' to piss down my leg and tell me it's raining? ;--)
Notec, if there were no digital how would they stream the "analog" from their offices?
The intent is to promote awareness of vinyl, not give an authentic demonstration of analog sound. That's your own piss running down your leg!!

The real question is what was it recorded and mastered in. If it was in 44.1/16, it is just a cd with surface noise. Hopefully, it was recorded in quality analog, or at least very high res digital. Otherwise, it's just a way to prevent original quality copying.