Phantom B44 overhang concern

Enclose a picture of my cartridge on a B44 arm.

Notice where the position of the cart is.
I aligned it using the mint protractor.
the sound is quite good.
What happens if I move the cart more forward ?
I know the overhang changes. Granting i aligned it with the two null points. Would there be some negative effects ?
I consulted some people on this regard. Some feel, the overhang is not that important provided the cart is aligned ?
thanks for the guidance.
What's wrong with it? If that's where the alignment system says it should be, then leave it. It has great contact with the headshell and for all we know this is where the cartridge designer wanted it mounted in relation to headshells.

Of course my answer is conditional on all the measurements being right, like the arm hole drilled properly etc to.

You've got a great arm and cartridge, enjoy !
"What happens if you move the cart forward?" Assuming that the arm is set to the proper P2S distance, if you move the cart forward the stylus will no longer be tracing the arc at the correct effective length and your alignment will be off.

Think about what the overhang distance is, what the P2S distance is, and how they relate. If you do so you will realize that these vectors are incorporated in the radius used to draw the arc on your protractor. So if you set the stylus to the arc, overhang for that cart on that arm are set correctly. Don't get hung up on where the screws end up.
Fld, your cartridge screws are almost exactly where mine are for the same arm. I would not be concerned.