Clearaudio Double Smart Matrix or Loricraft PRC4

Anyone with exspearience with these two specific units shed some light.

I don't currently have much of a record collection but looks like I will, just got back into vinyl and really enjoying so a really good cleaner is important to me.

The Clearaudio; I like the idea of cleaning both sides at the same time but just not sure if there will be issues with that down the road and really just how good of a job does it do. How quiet is it compared to the specific Loricraft I'm looking at.

The Loricraft; I like how it uses that thread for cleaning, a freind has the PRC3, a few years old and seems to be very happy with and says it does a great job, I saw him do a record and it really didn't take all the long but was pretty load to me anyways once the vacuum was put on. Maybe I don't even need the model I'm looking at, put the $400 into some music, maybe the PRC3 MK2 would be sufficient.


Yeah, guess I stated the obvious. :-) It is funny that this subject usually causes all kinds of heartburn which lead to one of the pointless arguments. These days I see mention of demagnetizing LPs and I don't even think twice about it.
Dan and Doug,

Do you guys demag your LP's once only or do you notice additional demags are needed over time? Could it be like the Cardas Frequency Sweep I use for my cartridge every week or two but less often?

We could start a separate Demag thread and really raise some eyebrows.

I think Doug found that with the Talisman repeat demags are necessary, and maybe Walker advertises it as so. So far, with the stronger magnet, I have not found it necessary to repeat the demag on any LPs.

I do also pull my tubes and cables every 6 months or so to clean and demag them. That actually may be too long of a time between demags of the cables. I haven't really experimented with it.
Walker does recommend treating LPs with the Talisman prior to each play. We didn't have it long enough to test how fast the effects wear off, but if even the manufacturer says so...

Furutech claims that using their Demag once should last indefinitely. Not having one, we've never tested. I've been too lazy to repeat treat an LP with our doohickey and listen for further improvements. Should we schedule a double-blind demagging party?
Peter, Doug and Dan ... one more question ... do you demag on the RCM platter after you've cleaned each side of the LP or elsewhere? Just trying to visualize the most efficient production line. Thanks again.