USB DAC or CDP for $200?

Hi All,

Looking to upgrade my digital front end, was thinking of getting the new Dragonfly 1.2 or similar, but was curious whether folks who have made the comparison would recommend the dac or a standalone entry level cep like a marantz or similar. I have a relatively small cd collection, in the 200 range, and prolly half is in my harddrives already, and I have a spare laptop to dedicate to music, so neither of those is really an issue, just value for money. Have at it!

Emotiva XDA-2.
On sale until tomorrow @ $ 249.
This is a fantastic DAC with loads of inputs and options.
I am loving mine .... wonderful sound of music.
I have no connection to Emotiva .... just a happy customer !
Not too many people around here like Chinese fleabay stuff, but hear you go, this is a hard core value. A name brand anywhere will be $600 plus.
USB input only, Xmos Asynchronous, AKM4399(same as Schiit)... Beware that this board has been updated, ask and make sure that you will get version 1.3

Good luck Tim
I don't want to step on any opinions about the Marantz, it is a fine machine and gorgeous for the money, I want to be clear to say that I haven't sat in front of it, so I may be speaking out of term. If I were after my primary source to be USB, I would not use this machine as in the USB input is not Asynchronous... The ESS chip used in not bad, I actually do have a cheapy headphone DAC using this USB Chip as well as the CS4398 DAC Chip, but it will not provide Asynchronous transfer... Also, The CS4398 DAC chip is on the lower end of the DAC spectrum... Not a deal breaker, The USB Conversion is more important than the DAC itself and The CS4398 Does work fine. Sorry if I'm opening a can of worms, But for USB Asynchronous transfer is a must for top performance.
Again... No, I haven't sat in front of it, that alone is worth slapping me around, but I do my homework and have listened to many components... Just my 2 cents
Good Luck, Tim
I wanted to give you another solution, very inexpensive, several hundred of these sold to the DIY community, overall a good response... This should compete with any name brand @ $300 and its cheap. They offer a $35 upgrade on the clocks, probably worth it. Tim