Where do I go from here?

I had been "out" of audio for some 25 years...checked e-bay for a receiver about two years ago, and was again bitten by THE BUG. Now listening to a system comprised of AI line stage pre-amp, Pass Aleph 3, Sony SACD 777ES, Magnum Etude, BMW 804 Matrix, DH Silver cables. Ready to upgrade...and I think the speakers are the most likely candidate for upgrading. We are moving into a new house with a large volume room and I would like to keep the 30 wpc Pass. I would be very interested in suggestions for replacement speakers. I listen to classic (orchestral, chamber, etc) 90% of the time. Please comment...thanks
For your music taste, and with your electronics i think you would be happy with Living Voice speakers?! I do not know your price range, but they are from $2,600 to $6000 range!
You may want to research the Avantegarde Uno's. A beatiful speaker that is extremely efficient needing very little wattage to drive them.
Reference 3A DE Capo
very effecient, not the prettiest speaker in the world but I think you would be pleased with your music on them
$2500 new
$1500 used