Goldmund Reference Turntable ?

Anyone have any experience with or owns a Goldmund Reference Turntable Original version ? I will be picking one up next week and thats one table I have never played with. It has the T3 tonearm as well. Any tricks to setting it up etc. ?

Not sure what to pay for it anyone know the going price for one is as well ?

Hi Kevin, Was regarded as 'non plus ultra'in the eightys and is still striking. But the T3 (there are diff. versions)is very ,say, demanding. You will need much patience and skills for this tonearm. The price? A person offered one to me for 12.000 Euro 2 years ago. The TT is unique so there is no 'going price'. Search for the 'believers clubs'.
I had one and liked it very much. If you have a TF3 with high numbers (over 2000) you will have no problems in setting up. What kind of cartridge will you mount?
The T3F Arm is always in movement, from the right side-to the middle-to the left side. The result is a smeared soundstage. T and inferior dynamic range. To find the right cartridge is a real task because the side force will destroy the cantilever. The carts are not made for this kind of "influence".
The table itself is better. Service for the T3F is stopped from Goldmund. They don't produce any parts for the T3F.