HELP: Noise from new Pro-Ject Debut III

Hi all... first time poster.

I bought a Project Debut III about five weeks ago new from Magnolia Audio (inside Best Buy). I've been using it with a vintage Yamaha CR-400 receiver that has a phono input. It came stock with the Ortofon OM5-E cartridge, and I'm running it through Klipsch Synergy B3 bookshelf speakers

The first 3 weeks were magical. But then suddenly I started hearing noise, almost like a radio station half tuned in. Sometimes it will play OK, then in dynamic parts, the static returns.

A stereo technician at a local audiophile store was a little puzzled, but speculated that maybe the cartridge is too "hot" for the vintage amp.

What is mysterious to me is that it worked perfectly for a few weeks.

On a slightly separate note, I'm getting a Jolida 102B in the next couple days. So, this may only be a temporary problem. But it's been a source of anxiety not having my vinyl set up working when it's become my main obsession in recent years.

The CD player works great, so it seems isolated to what is going through the phono input.

Any help is much appreciated.

Just a thought. If the cartridge it "too hot" it may be taking out the phono stage in the Yamaha. I seriously doubt that it is too hot though. Can you try a phono stage on a seperate input? Maybe Magnolia sells one I am sure they honor the traditional 30 day money back policy as Best Buy.
It sounds like mistracking to me. Who setup the Pro-Ject for you? Is it possible
that you have accidentally changed the VTF?