I am at the end of my rope, please help

I have a problem that I can not solve and makes no sense to me at all.
My right channel is stronger than my left by a large margin. I can plug my tonearm cable directly into a Fozgometer (measures left and right output) and I get a substantially stronger signal on the right side. I confirmed this with my Voltmeter to make sure there was not a problem with the Fozgometer. So, as far as I can tell, this narrows the problem down to the Cart, Tonearm, Tonearm wire or the table.

Here is what I have tried:
1. Changed Azimuth in both directions. Small change but still much stronger on the right side.
2. Changed antiskating. Very little change.
3. replaced the cartridge. No Change.
4. replaced the tonearm and cartridge. No Change.
5. replaced the tonearm, cartridge and tonearm wire. No change.
6. I have used a second test record. No Change
My turntable is perfectly level.
I simply do not see how this is possible! I have an $83,000 system that I can not listen to. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

My system:
DaVinci Turntable > Lyra Titan i > Schroeder Reference tonearm > Manley Steelhead > Stealth Indra cables > VTL 450 amps > Stealth Mlt speaker cables > Vienna acoustic Mahler speakers
I have solved the problem! Thanks to Atmosphere and many others great advice, I have found the problem or two problems to be more accurate. I started checking all of the components and found a bad 5687 tube on the left side of my Steelhead, that explained why I was hearing the image shifted so far to the right. The second problem is the Fozgometer. I have now received 10 emails from people who had read this thread and have had exactly the same problem. It seems that the Fozgometer has a design flaw and does not work in all situations. One person that I have been emailing with has three tables and found the Foz works great on two of his tables but on the third it always reads much higher on the right side. He has also changed the arm, cart and cable numerous times and has tried many different manufactures but the Foz always reads the same. He is having none of the center image sound stage issues that would be obvious with a right channel 5-6 DB louder than the left. Thank you all for your help. It seems that I put too much confidence in a piece of measuring equipment and since it was confirmed by what I was hearing I was convinced it was right. It was wrong and once I found the bad tube I was able to move the right speaker forward to match the left, set the Azimuth by ear and now my sound is chilling!
Glad to hear the problem is finally solved, Audioraider. Thanks for letting us know.

In my (extensive) experience as an electrical engineer, it often turned out that when problem investigations involved baffling, confusing, or contradictory symptoms, there were two problems simultaneously present.

I'm left wondering, though, why the Foz's erroneous indication would have moved to the other channel when the cartridge connections were swapped. And why, as reported by one of your correspondents, the design anomaly it apparently has would be brought out by some turntables but not by others.

In any event, congratulations!

Best regards,
-- Al
So, it WAS the phono preamp -- but as I said, not necessarily the gear itself; in this case a tube.

Has anyone contacted Fozgometer for their response/reaction?
Great news for you, Audiorader. Like Almarg, I am wondering how it could be that the function of the Foz is turntable dependent. More likely there is some intermittent issue with the Foz so that it malfunctions only some of the time. I think I will keep on using my ancient Signet Cartridge Analyzer.