Help me pick a phono preamp

Here's my rig-mmf7 tt with denon dl 160 cart, 211 tube mono amps, tube pre. now using a consonance pm 6 phono pre,not bad time to upgrade it. I want to keep it under 1k, and have been reading alot about the dynavector p75, ear, graham slee, lehman black cube, musical surroundings phonomena, and sim audio. I am not sure about going with a tube phono pre, because of the tube amps and preamp. may be too much tube. Any opinions on a good choice for my system? thanks.
There is a Whest.20 on sale here for $1,050 (no affiliation). Tough to go wrong with that for a grand.
I have a Denon DL-110 and a PS Audio GCPH, which I paid $600 for, one month used, from another member. It is an excellent sounding combination, well remarked on from my hi-fi knowledgable friends. I like the GCPH for these reasons: adjustible gain and loading, has remote volume control, has balanced and RCA outputs, and is a well made piece for an excellent price.