Turntable dust covers

Hey -

I don't post much but I have to plug JMK Displays (http://www.jmkdisplays.com/).

They do a bunch of acrylic/plastics work and I just got my dust cover for my brand new Clearaudio Concept. I'm stoked. Custom dimensions, custom cut-outs for cords in the rear of the cover, etc., 1/4" acrylic - looks SHARP! All for about a buck and a quarter. Can't beat 'em. Even the kids were impressed!

If I knew how to post a pic I would.

Check them out if you are in the market for a dust cover. BTW - I do not work for them.

Simple - you just send them a diagram with the cutouts and specs and they work off of that.
I just got one from JMK displays as well. I faxed them my rear cut-outs and recieved the product with the exact dimensions and cut-outs that I had requested. It is beautifully finshed and I am 100% happy with it.
Pjasek, if you are still around, did you have them sit the dust cover on top of the Clearaudio plinth or does it sit on the surface the turntable rests on? Clearaudio's cover sounds like a rip off and while I'm willing to be ripped off for the quality of the sound, I'm not willing to be ripped off so my turntable cover sounds better.