A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Dear Inshore - look forward to seeing a picture of the armpod. Just curious as you mention humidity - Is panzerholz affected by humidity as other woods - maple, oak and birch?

Cheers Chris
Dear Halcro, I know that you are a very 'smart cookie' but
clairvoyant? Well as you presupposed I was able to find a
craftsman with an CNC lathe in Holland and I really enjoy
to look how he works with this 'monster'. However Thuchan
is a different 'cookie'. He is an entrepeneur with a clear
thought of what he wants and has the capability to organize all the needed work. Dertonarm is btw a close friend and they are at the moment adjusting the Bavarian voice (aka speakers). So obviously he was also in the position to find all the needed professionals in Germany for the job. So you made a good quess. I am in particular interested in this 'trumpet' in front of the TAD 2002 driver but even Daniel was not able to explain to me what
the 'clue' is . My shortcoming of course.

Hi Chris, Is Panzerholz effcted by humidity or dry conditions? Im assuming it would. Directions point out helpful guide lines , one being after cutting seal cut edges.
This being a product designed for multipal applications in heavy industry it being in your home used for delicate duties I so far found no issues over a year in use.
It is extremally dense stuff dulling high grade carbide cutting edges very quickly.
For use as arm pod or plinth material for sure. Is it like other material commonly used in audio, No.

Is a plinthless table a good sonic step forward, Yes

Is a table set into a panzerholz plinth a sonic step forward , Yes

Dear Chris, IF... (and this is very important)... you keep the 2 big bolts also, to maintain the contact firm, then...
the spike couplers under the 7mm Brass armboard are using the same logic of Orsonic headshells & Midas Touch indermediate headshell weight : They provide a clean (rigid coupling without soft materials that have any compliance) but short path and thus allowing only a fraction of the resonances to pass through the next level.
This is not counting as an isolation (rigid coupling of metals) and it seems that it works for cartridges !!!
Now I'm thinking an alternative : As the 2 bolts are allready provide a path from Brass armboard to Aluminium armpod, you can cover the entire underside surface (except the 2 holes) with a very fine velvet textile (extra thin without compliance) in order to damp the 2 metals that are coming in contact. This is a very different option from just applying the silicone oil to the same surface. You have to choose by trial & error these 3 options unfortunatelly we cannot predict the results. Depending by the mass of the armboard, (and especially the tolerances in execution) the 2 bolts may not be enough for the 3 coupling spikes option and can provide space for ringing or even worst a possible diformation of the Brass platform. I would prefer : ability adjustment only at the bottom spikes, the steel discs about 6cm diameter and replacement of the upper coupling spikes under the Brass armboard by very tiny bearing balls (if you decide to try this option, by this way becomes easier. Although the marking points of the Brass armboard & the Al armpod by the bearing balls is of no concern 'cause they can only form a round scuff, I'm anxious about the proper amount of tightness by the big bolts).
Of course anything soft under the discs makes the whole armpod isolated from the shelf, interrupting the passing of resonances from armpod to the ground and it needs experimental verification also, since it is only depended by the shelf prorerties.