Bel..AVo 200.2, Musical Fidelity A3cr, YBA 2hc, Pass X150

All these I listed, except the Pass X150, are "inexpensive" Class A rated amps. I would like to get some responses on these amps. Anyone have experience with them?

Bel Canto Design EVo 200.2 - $2395
Musical Fidelity A3cr - $1495
YBA 2HC - $3900
Pass X150 - $4000
Why single out the Pass as being "high priced" ? The only amp that i would consider "relatively" inexpensive out of that bunch would be the MF. The Bel Canto is "mid priced" and the YBA and Pass are neck and neck ( in terms of price ) and starting to get up there in terms of what most folks have budgets for. Sean
Sean, don't get excited. Note that I stated they were Class A rated, as in Stereophile, the Pass is not in that group, hence being singled out. These amps are "inexpensive" in comparison to their Class A rated counterparts.
I do not have experience with all of these amps, but I own the MF A3cr and absolutely love it. I prefer by a significant margin to the Krells I have heard (admittedly not hte most expensive ones). It is smooth and detailed without being shrill or forward. I might change other things, but have absolutely no longing to change my A3cr amp or pre-amp.