Removable headshells 101

Due to the influence of Raul's thread on MM cartridges, I believe that some of us (perhaps for the first time), have acquired a tonearm/s with a removable headshell?
In my case, there was a vacuum of knowledge or information about what makes a good headshell and for the last 6 months a great deal of my time and effort has been expended in acquiring personal hands-on experience.
Perhaps a Forum to share experiences will help new adherents to this once denigrated (by the High End) segment of tonearm design?
Dear Nick_sr: +++++ " In regards to the head shell leads issue, I just did away with them completely. " +++++

yes the best headshell leads are no headshell leads. Not only you but many other persons out there ( including me ) already taked that alternative that between other things make " life more easy ".

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Dertonarm: It is not that much: only one hole distance. For the ADC 25 or 20SS the Technihard headshell is out of question.

Right now I'm usin the 13 one with my MS LF-7 and I used a 18 one with the DL-103 LOMC cartridge where in both cases works just fine.

Maybe I have an advantage over you and some other people: I own a " ton " of different headshells that makes me things easy and where I learned that are better options that those Technihard AT headshells, I'm not saying are bad ones but only that are not the best " user friendly " items.

I have a lot of luck with many of the other AT headshell models. In the other side not always we can use a 18grs headshell weight.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Nandric: the reference to Plato and Aristotle was intended to mark a contrast with those in a pluralistic democracy who deny that there’s a legitimate perspective from which to condemn an individual’s personal ends. That’s not to say there are no illegitimate ends, but we can draw the distinction (see: harm principle) without getting into the nitty gritty of an individual’s conception of her own good.

In that light, recall that the epigram is ‘pushpins, poetry: whatever’ and not ‘benevolence, pleonexia, murder: whatever’. Unless you’re comparing owning 100 MM carts and testing 2 carts a day to murder and thievery, there’s no issue here.

Even if my wallet were willing, my personality would never permit me to buy a $3k cartridge. Admittedly that’s one reason I love the MM thread: it comforts the bargain hunter in me, nurturing the idea that I can have 10 quality MM carts for the price of one MC cart. You may charge me with the vice of acquisitiveness, but I would say I love pluralism ;-).

Dear Raul: thanks for the advice. Unfortunately for me, my AT headshell is one of those tiny, short and stubby ones that make little allowance for adjustment. I just tried mounting the Empire on it and I don’t have the required, very, very short, screws. Worse: I have no idea where to get them. My Azden is also out of commission until I figure out how to deal with the universal mount adapter it came with. The adapter covers all but a tiny bit of the cart’s pins and there’s no way for me to get my lead wires onto them. I’ve already destroyed a set of lead wires trying. Is the adapter supposed to have its own pins or are the cart’s pins supposed to stick out through the adapter? I’ve never even seen a p mount cart before this one so I don’t know what’s going on.

On a brighter note, I swapped my Signet freak cart from its AT headshell onto a Sony headshell I had lying about, and it’s clearly better for it. In my ignorance, I had believed that the AT headshell to be just better simpliciter and didn’t even think to try the Sony on it. Hume wins again: pretense to causal knowledge be damned; try everything and see what happens.
Dear Banquo363: Well not easy to get those very short screws for the Empire, I'm lucky because I have hundred of screws and I found it a pair for it but you can mount the Empire in a non-AT headshell and then you can use a " normal " length screws with nuts.

Yes, the headshell wires goes connected to the Azden's adaptor pins and not to the cartridge ones.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Raul, well - over the past 3 decades it were for me only those 4 headshells I mentioned which I used. After 20 years of Orsonic AVs and Clearaudio Stability (which is after all a copycat of the Orsonic) the Technihard 18 was the first headshell coming along in quite some time with a straight and mechanical excellent executed design and a very fair price.
However - I too would like to see rather long slots instead of threaded holes.
When I used MMs and MIs, they were mounted in my Air Tangent, ET 2, STAX-UA90 and Graham - sans headshell.