Maple platform under turntable, How thick?

Hi. I am thinking about getting this to put my Nottingham Spacedeck on. How thick? What to put under the platform? Brass cones? Boston Audio footers? Something else?
The platform will be on the hardwood floor, no rack.
Any thoughts?
I am extremely happy with bearpaws at This was a huge upgrade for my table.
One thing to keep in mind is whether you are trying to couple or decouple the platform from the floor. Cones usually couple, bearings decouple. One thing not mentioned is using partly inflated small tire tube to isolate the platform. I use to use slate, which is better IMHO than granite but harder to find. I used the deflated racquetball method under it, I haven't heard about this trick for a long time.
Do I want to couple or decouple? You mentioned cones and bearings. What about Walker things, you know, those three massive cones going into led-filled discs and two more discs on top?
As I said, there are many out there. If your floor vibrates then you want to isolate your table from it; if not coupling is fine. The only general rule I have discovered in audio is that there are no general rules and that what works best is determined by the particular circumstances of your system. That is why after 50 years in it I still haven't achieved Audio Guru-hood, I don't try to give absolute prescriptions from a distance; don't trust those who do.
Right. Stanwal, thank you. There is virtually no vibration coming from the floor so it seems that both coupling and decoupling should work. I think, I'll try brass cones first.
I wonder if anyone tried platforms made of other wood, say, oak, cherry, spruce, ebony etc. How about 5" thick snakewood or ironwood platform?