Hammond b-3 organ

Thanks to all who responded to my other post...anybody know the history/background of this instrument...I just really dig the sound
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Funny to see this pop up again now, since I just sold that M3 a couple weeks ago, which I never did get working! (Did make a whopping $35 profit on the deal though...The guy I sold it to claimed that someone once *paid him* $300 to haul away a perfectly good B3!)
"Groove" Holmes and Booker T had the B3 sound down cold. The new album by Booker T called Potato Hole is amazing!!!!!!
Modern B3 - not sure about trios - some seem to be fluid in that aspect

Big Organ Trio (now known as Mike Mangan's BOT
Bigger than a Breadbox

It depends on what genre you are into. There are literally dozens of 70s Prog albums, especially from Sweden that use B3 extensively.