Motor Controller ugrade for Raven One Turntable

Jeff, at Highwater Sound has said that owners of the TW Acustic Raven One turntable can experience a huge improvement in sound by replacing the Raven One motor controller with the controller from the Raven AC turntable.

Has anyone tried this? Jeff is the authority on the Raven turntables, so I am sure he is right about this. I am just curious to hear from any Raven One owners that have tried this.
Slowhand the comments and reactions above should be telling you something.

"Hyper-pole? First thought usually when ever i hear huge improvement"

" So question still arrases , how bad can the stock motor be that a replacement is nothing short of astounding"

My favorite
" Something must be wrong with the stock ac 1 motor controller that never really got noticed in all the glowing reviews of that table"

Something must be wrong all right, and what else? ,can't you hear it?
So what exactly zapped you peoples brains,,,, all that glowing on-line chat and magazine review sale pitchs???

I don't care for any of these tables and along with a friend that owned a Raven ac his conclusions are pretty much in line with mine.
He shamefully admitted he got suckered by HYPE in the tune of 20 grand.

But this is normal audio business , the high end know their customers well.

Improvments verywell be found changing out the factory wimpy motors and ps to the VPI sds and motor along with a new bearing perhaps ,including getting the tonearms off the table and building a good arm pod, whatelse?
Good night
Dear Blackburn, You might think about changing your moniker to "Heart Burn".
Blackburn, we get it that you don't like any TW products and that's okay and that's your opinion but your sarcastic remarks and personal attacks towards actual owners are unnesecary and clearly only demonstrates the type of individual you are.

You seem to do allot of babbling about this or that but in the end you don't actually share facts to back such comments up. To me this just demonstrates a lack of your credibility.

What does your system consist of?

It's obvious by reading your thread above you have never actually owned or personally had any of the different models in your own set-up but only heard a AC in a freinds set-up other wise you would not have not wrote allot of the info. which you have.

If you have any first hand experience what so ever you know there is allot more to the system than just the table it's self.

Enlighten us because so far your threads posted are far from being constructive and you come across that you are the end all who knows all, help us please!


Look forward to your responce and assistance.

Quickly weeding through your postings it appears that you might own a direct drive table, amps you mentioned in one thread you own are 12 year old ML2's, kindly let us know.

If you do own a direct drive table and this type of table design is your refference and flavour that you prefer than that assists in reading some of your past comments because from what I have heard direct tables offer a different sonic flavour and thats okay, so far any tables of this design that I have heard would not be my personal refference but just a second table to offer another sonic flavour in the end neither being right or wrong but just different and a prefference.

Sorry to hi-jack this thread with this info. but when I constaintly read someone being so opinionated I try to retrieve a little more info. to assist so to be on the same level.