Whest P.30R, P.30RDT and P.30RDT SE

Hi guys,
Anybody had any experience on the Whest phonostages? The different levels are priced quite far apart. How different are they? Any other recommendations on solid state stages?
I've now had all of them over the years and compared them to many many others. I'm now on the BIG MC REF V MK4 which is quite amazing but not part of this thread.

Depending on your system and funds I would go for straight for the PS.30RDT Special Edition which I still use in my second system. It is far better than anything I have had in my system. I have had in my system the ARC PH7, Boulder 1008 and 2008, Manley Steelhead, ASR Basis Exclusive and a couple of others which really don't feature in the game and should not be on the market.

If what you are looking for is musicality and accuracy then the Whest range is for you. They are musical, ultra quiet, detailed, transparent with a super stable soundstage and minimalistic. They will tell you what is on your vinyl system. The Special Edition is more like the MC REF V MK4 in that it is more 'holographic' and 'large' with dynamics that a tube phonostage can only hint at. I have always found tube phono stages 'soft' in dynamic terms although some are better than others - granted.

I don't think you'll better these solid state stages. The PS.30R is great and very well known out there. The PS.30RDT is even better with better separation, detail, soundstage and musicality. The Special Edition is a VERY big jump up the ladder and worth 3-4 times its price - easily.

Try and compare any of them to anything else. No BS there, just straight common-sense design.
Dear Sirotseta, In the end, and before you open your wallet, you really must listen for yourself. Your personal taste, your ancillary equipment, your speakers, even perhaps your musical preferences, should determine your choice. Not the cheerleading you may find here.
Planet of sound(Toronto)uses a 30-RDT for home auditions.
whether they'll send to the US I'm not sure.
For a new one:30-RDT 4000.00Can.
30-RDT SE 7499.00
It's great that they will do that because if it's not for you
then send her back,then you'll know what she's like,
in YOUR room,YOUR gear ect.
It's a bit of coin to dish out and then decide it's not what you wanted.
This way,she's a win,win situation.
Anyone know what constitutes the $3500-difference between the 30RDT and the 30RDT-SE?