Brinkmann Bardo vs Transrotor Fat Bob Reference

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me the differences between these two turntables? They are similar in price & both have hydrodynamic magnetic bearings, although the Brinkmann is direct drive as opposed to the more conventional design of the TR. Any opinions or experiences would be appreciated!
Well this is my last post on Audigon. I'm tired of the tall poppy syndrome, the wanna be magazine writers, immature copycats, and big egos. And i'm over the complete dicks who have taken over this once great site. Goodbye.
I found some further information of TMD. One of the technical guru's in Germany has a website dedicated to hi-fi tuning. He gives kudo's to the TMD and describes its operation pretty well, but then he advocates modding the motors with his Dr. Fuss Netzteil (Powersupply) to make the Fat Bob S better.

I used Google Translate to read it. He makes his comparison to the stock Fat Bob S power supply, Konstant M1 and not the Konstant M3, the model I own. The specs are:

Transrotor KM-3 Three Motor Controller features:
Output voltage: 2 x 18 V AC two phase
Output current (max): 3 x 0.35 amps
Speed correction range: +/- 5%
Max voltage draw: 50 VA
Enclosure: 6 mm aluminum
Front plate: 8 mm aluminum
Dimensions: 7" w x 12" d x 2-3/4" h

I was able to convert the power supply for use with 120.

Hey Melbguy1,

What happened? Sorry you are leaving. I know this site has many "hardhats" and the site itself is evolving into something many may not like anymore.

I have learned to get out of posts when they take a dive for the worst and get off track, sadly, too many time.

I am sure you will find helpful information in other forums or just the web. Good luck!

Audioquest4life: "In regards to the TMD, below the bearing assembly is a ceramic / steel spindle, that has a viscous pool of oil that runs up the spindle and is used to lubricate the spindle when the patter turns, thus physically isolating the bearing from the spindle."

Thanks for the info! The oil pool makes sense. Very cool.

Also thanks to Manitunc for your insight.

Audioquest4life: "I prefer not to deride, discredit, or participate in lengthy debates about the implementation of other drive technologies, in the end, it is all about the music, and what makes "ME" happy. I cannot afford to waste my time on trivial matters, when I have so much music to listen to. I do appreciate your technical insight of the implementation of various drive methodologies concerning turntable."

I agree with you but what I wrote above was never intended to be a debate. I really have no interest in talking about the sound since that's so subjective. If someone likes or dislike the sound it is of no interest to me. All the pornographic flowery prose--wide soundstage, imaging, neutral this, neutral that, blah, blah, blah-- from magazines is a big turn off for me. Since I am a gearhead and I am only interested in the technical aspect and it's fun to discuss those things for me and I regret my questions have bruised some egos. I am used to the forum with like-minded people so I guess I carried some of the old habits onto this forum. My mistake is that I automatically think audiophiles enjoy talking about technical things. Obviously, I am wrong. This site is more about consumer reports so I've been barking on the wrong tree. I just want to say that when I question the implementation of a design it is in no way discrediting people's effort or someone's purchase. I have bought some equipments before with questionable features or engineering that were either a work of genius or Rube Goldberg but they never bother me because they are just toys for me and never as an investment. Audio is just a hobby but for some it's an investment and status symbol and there's nothing wrong with that. As far as enjoying the music, I can just as comfortable listening to my car radio as a high end system. But the mechanical and engineering aspects of audio tickle my fancy and it's fun.... except this is not the forum or platform to do it.

I just looked up top and realized Melbguy1 is the opening poster(!!) and that I might have hijacked the thread so I apologize for his departure. Come back Melbguy1; I'll stay out of the way! Ok? Please?

Once again, enjoy the music.

I too apologize if I offended Melbguy, but I think of Aussies as tough people, assuming his moniker indicates he is from Melbourne. I note that Melbguy opened this thread a year ago with a question, asking for a comparison of Transrotor to Brinkmann Bardo. It seems along the way he made his decision in favor of Transrotor and then was possibly offended by the continuing debate of the pros and cons of the TR drive systems. Anyway, I think we are all trying to teach each other and learn from one another as well. No harm was intended by anyone, I am sure, certainly not by me.