CartageRrecommendations, totally lost.

I am looking for some cartage recommendations. Unfortinally whatever dealer I ask seems to know little about vinyl and recommends what he can get some recommend some that are 1200 others recommend some that are 6k so I think the knowledge base is better here. I am looking for kind of the sweet spot price wise towards the higher end I listen to vocals, classical and jazz mostly but anything could wind up spinning one night depending on who is over and how much I have had to drink. My system is a Basis Debut, Vector4, to Aesthetix IO phono stage to Aesthetix preamp and Vandersteen 7 speakers. Since I have only herd a few cartages in totally different systems I am a bit lost.
I know John well that is where I got my Sevens and most of my equipnment he was over my house last week mater a fact. He is an expert at matching systems. As I stated though one dealer is one dealer opionion. and has a great ear. He does't have thousounds upon thousands of dollars in chartages laying around to AB so this board is more valuable for that type of information.
I have setup multiple cartridges on that arm. It can handle nearly anything you throw at it. Being unsure of your sound preferences prevents me from making an informed recommendation on a cartridge. Even with a recommendation, I'd still suggest getting a listen to the cartridge if possible. Perhaps a conversation is in order.

Actually I just installed a Benz LP-S in my system that I just got from John at Audioconnection. I'm using Vandersteen 5A's which sound like a kissing cousin to the 7's. I can't recommend the LP=S highly enough. It is dead quiet in the groove, very open - never gets in the way of the music. It throws an enormous sound stage, and is extremely fast. Percussion...bongos, tambourine, etc. are so real you could swear the musician is right over there. Violins have the appropriate wood sound, but are never strident (I'm a professional violinist). I can't recommend it highly enough. Harry Weisfield from VPI uses the LP-S in his personal system. If you talk to John tell him Stan from Arizona says hello