Almost Time to Replace My DV-20xl

The time to replace my aging DV-20xl is rapidily approaching; what to do next?

How close or how much 'difference' is there between the DV Xv-1s and the DV XX-2? There's a large price difference of course... I am very tempted to go all-in and spring for the XV-1s but it ain't cheap!
Bottom line is...without good tracking ability, how can one even think about musicality when one knows there's a train wreck coming. Moreover, the AT is indeed "musical," and though not as dynamic or "sparkling" as the xx2, to say it's a great tracker above all else is damning with feint praise. BTW, as I enjoy my 20th year playing in the local orchestra, I'll "get my ears out there more." : )
Hi jd
First off, no spouting. I've just never experienced what you have with stated cartridges.
Second, I think you're giving the initial OP some very biased and not well founded advice.
If you could hear his arm together with the cartridges he's asking about, you might be posting differently.
I have no aversion to the AT, I've had them starting out, just like grado's etc. They're definitely a good place to start.
However, the OP is way past that at this point.
My suggesting attention to "cart/arm synergy " is very biased? How so? Then reporting my experience based only upon equipment about which I'm intimately familiar? Big red flag there! : )
"Way past this point...." I thought I was too, $$-wise, but bottom line: the Dyna 20xl and JMW arm have high velocity tracking issues which cause thinning of sound as needle progresses. Upgrading to Xx2 relieved thinning but introduced gross, buzzing. mistracking on more than a few choral, piano Lps. If we were talking the subjectivity of "PRAT" I could understand your raised eyebrow but nothing could be more objectively reported than mistracking
The performance of the AT was nothing short of shocking after 3 years of tracking misery. But not the end-all.
Very fair response. I would only say, although that ship has obviously sailed for you, is that you were not getting proper setup. I know that will set off more red flags for you, but that's the truth.
I'm glad you found something that works for you.
And it sounds like the OP will as well.
End of story for me.