Ortofon A90 broken stylus

So the long and short. I purchased one of the 1st A90 carts to come up for sale on Agon. This was about 10 months ago, was in great condition, all factory packing, box etc. Then in Feb. I put on a disk and let down the the arm - the cart just slid across the record - OS batman - as looked at the A 90 - no stylus, it had broken off at the body. Nothing was left. Called for help and got a hold of Louis - Ortofon in Ossining NY. He said to send it in and he would send this to Denmark for review and probably would have to pay 50% to rebuild. So I have been waiting for the past months and a box comes from Ortofon. I opened and here was my A 90 - all rebuilt and a packing slip - Warranty, fully rebuilt. Thank you Ortofon!!!!
I also broke the cantilever on my A90. It's been sitting around doing nothing for six months. Last week I sent it in to Soundsmith. I can not afford at this time to have Ortofon rebuild it. It just seemed silly to let it sit there doing nothing. I don't expect it to sound the same but hope it will still preform well.

When I get it back I'll report my findings. My sonic memory is unlikely to last 9 months but at least I can say whether I like it or not.


Good to know...please, keep us informed...I read in the internet that an Ortofon Jubilee's owner has made the retip with Soundsmith and reported that it sounds even better than before...for sure there is the original project issue( specially the A90 ) but I would be surprised in case of your A90 sounds less than wonderful after the Soundsmith's rebuild.
Hba and all - so I have been out and have not looked at this thread. So what can I say - I have had Soundsmith rebuld several carts - did outstanding - but I damaged these carts. The A90 should not have an issue unless there is abuse or there is an issue with what you have and with the cost - you probably have treated this like a baby. Yes Sht. happens and and anyone can have have a bad day - but I was treated very well by Ortofon, my cart worked one day, then nothing the next it just broke!! This was at the main body of the A90 - and I now have the real retip by the guys that made this great cart.. Soundsmith is great - but if you are willing to give Ortofon a chance to make good - this is what I would do.

I read in the internet that an Ortofon Jubilee's owner has made the retip with Soundsmith and reported that it sounds even better than before...
Gosh! That's as authoritative as it is applicable.

A Jubilee is to an A90 as a ukulele is to a Strad. Even if you knew that this guy's taste in what "sounds better" matches yours - which you don't - the difference between cartridges would still render his statement irrelevant. Would you hire someone to repair your Lexus based on statements that he's good at modifying Corollas?

Echoing Stringreen,

P.S. You didn't break your A90's stylus. You broke its cantilever.
For sure Doug....I am not saying that I agree on what the jubilee's owner says . I am just mentioning what I read
I used to have the Jubilee too and I really know which league the A90 belongs to