Graham Phantom Supreme?

Has anyone done a comparison between the Supreme and the mkII? Is it worth changing and expending the extra outlay?

The main revisions appear to be the bearing housing and an improved magneglide stabiliser (I think the internal wiring was up to a good standard already on the mkII)

There is a company called AudioMax Ltd (approved contractor?) which can perform upgrades from both Phantom I and Phantom II to the Supreme build.
Any experience of this conversion out there ?
Many thanks... :)

I'm in the same boat. With the 10 inch. My cart is all the way back inbthe headshell. But I was able to verify that independent of the cart, the headhsell is not in the same plane as the tube. The micropoise spirit level shows one thing and a spirit level not the headshell showa the oppPaige.

My 9 inch want didn't have that issue.

Does anyone have information on phantom supreme ii with 12 inch arm wand. What is spindle to pivot distance. I cant find them any where

Spindle to pivot distance is 295.6 mm according to Michael Fajen at Musical Surroundings.