Tube amps that can hande 4 ohmsl

Is this a question I should be asking? Or is it a dumb idea all together? Anyone use a tube amp with a four ohm speakers? Am I looking for trouble?
There are several tube amps that can handle a four ohm load. I have a great deal of experience with the Wolcott Presence mono blocks, and assure you they will produce in excess of 200 watts per channel with no clipping, even at loads less than four ohms.
Atma-Sphere MA-2 tube OTL amplifiers have no trouble driving a 4 ohm load. I drive Avalon Eidolons, a nominal 4 ohm load, with this amplifier with great results. Generally, however, tube mplifiers will be happier with higher impedance speakers.
I have Aranov tubes on my Kef 4 speakers that are 4 Ohm. The Aranovs are noted for a good bottom end ....but I have a REL subwoofer also to help down low. Other than the Aranovs, many tube amps do have a specific setting for 4 ohms that will help match the load.

More important than the actual 4 ohm rating is the impeadence variance (i.e does the speaker drop to 2 ohms or even lower). Impeadence variance below 4 ohms can make things difficult for even the best amps. Efficency and design of speakers, and of course, power of the tube amp, also factor into the equation. -Lorne