Rega P9 vs Musical Fidelity M1

Hi All,

Just wondering what the opinion is of the Rega P9 with RB1000 tonearm vs the Musical Fidelity M1 turntable.

I presently own the P9 and I have no problems with this turntable but I have seen a M1 for sale (interstate) which in look wise looks a lot better. Sound wise I'm note sure as I can't AB the two before purchasing. Would moving to the M1 be a forward or backwards step?

Any input or experiance would be appreciated.

The P9 is a very good table and one of the last components I would care to part with. The cartridge and phono stage may be a better upgrade for the money spent.
Stay with the Rega P9...just for your reference, a friend of mine has bought a Kuzma Reference to replace his P9 and says that the P9 is at least on the same level...if not above...and costs 3X less...think very careful before replacing the P9....