Music Server

I have about 2000 CDs. The idea of having my music in one place without going through all the boxes, jewel cases, etc. is appealing. Any recommendations on a server and DAC?
Wyred 4 Sound - I have their DAC-2 and it is a gem of a component. A friend has their server and can't say enough good things about it. He is using it with a PS Audio DAC.
I have purchased Lenovo Q190 for all my media needs including movies. This machine is absolutely noiseless, yet I'll be planning to move the 'insides' of it to aluminium enclosure that will eliminate the necessity of the processor fan. At my listening distance the fan isn't heard at all even in the dark night. To eliminate HDD noise I've replaced the stock TB HDD by 126Gb SSD($76 Kingston)
Mytek 192 DSD DAC/preamp/headphone amp is the work of audio art and performs way higher than it's priced. There are various digital inputs 2xUSB, fire, SP/DIF and firewire allows you to connect large number of digital componets Plus you'll have an ability to connect your analogue via analogue inputs. The volume control capabilities of this DAC is so far the most superior to any preamp I've ever heard.
The whole combo will take from you a notch over $2000 and will serve you as high level fidelity system.
I have been using Sonos as my whole house wireless audio solution for almost 10 years! All my music (35K songs) are on a RAID 5 NAS. I highly suggest going this route if you want music in more than one room.
AN emerging class of products that I think will take off over time for this is inexpensive multipurpose media devices that happen to serve up quality audio along with teh rest, as opposed to being audio only. I have seen some interesting new Android based devices like this in recent years that have promise. I think this will be the general trend moving forward. Android OS and of course good old Apple seem best positioned for this currently. I suspect when the time comes to replace my currently discontinued audio only Squeezebox devices, that is where I will end up next.
21' iMac only for this purpose via USB / I2S into my own DAC. iTunes, Audivarna Plus, controlled with the remote app on a iPad. Just got this setup and am truly impressed with the sound quality, the ease of use and integration.

Best of luck
