Benz Slr Gullwing vs Lp s

Hello to all,

I need help in choosing one of these cartridges. Has anybody compared these two cartridges? In two german reviews they say that the Slr is even better than the Lp s !? My turntable is a Garrard 301 with a Graham Phantom B-44. I had the Clearaudio Concerto which i broked and it wasn't the sound i was searching for. I want something more musical.
Thank you to all
thanks jazdoc,

have you heard both? If so, which difference did you notice?
I have a small room and when i play something with many instruments at the same time, like rock or classic it is difficult to hear them all and that´s what the german review says about the slr. The slr does it better. And the lp s is warmer and has more bass. I also don´t know if it´s better or worse for me to have more bass because of the small room (3mx5m). I wanted to hear more opinions, maybe the german like more analitycal sound!? I had enough with the clearaudio.
Agucela... The LPS is the better cartridge. Its not too warm, cold, this, or that. Its simply wonderful. Before you get one, realize that it is a VERY heavy cartridge, and you better know for sure that your arm can properly balance it. I would say that it probably can not as is, so you might want to contact the Graham for a heavier counterbalancing weight.
I had the counterweight on the front top and had to change the screws for longer one because the counterweight was to heavy for the concerto. I think it should work.
many thanks
Did you hear both cartridges?
I've been told by a dealer who was told by Musical Surroundings that the two cartridges are identical but for the bodies. This dealer owns both in his system and loves them but says the LP-S is tonally a little richer.
The LP S is a very nice cartridge. It does have a hint of warmth. This is very evident when compared to more neutral cartridges. As I state this, it is important to know that the LP S has many other characteristics that set it apart for other cartridges that are possibly considered more neutral. Having said all that, I could own and would not mind having an LP S in my cartridge collection. Not at all...

But! The SLR Gullwing is the cartridge that has most of my curiosity. Additionally, it is most likely the cartridge I would want to own over the long haul. The construction is mostly that of the LP S without the wood body. Lucascheck, rightfully so, says the LP S is the better cartridge. However, there is a bit of extra warmth I've observed in the 5 or so systems where I've personally setup the cartridge, including my own. I have a sneaking suspicion I'd prefer the SLR Gullwing by a hair. I would speculate the SLR Gullwing will loose some of that smidgen of warmth, which is very beautiful and slightly softens transients while giving all music a very slightly warm glow. This personal preference of mine or anyone else’s should have no major bearing on your decision because we don’t have to live with your selection – you do. Make sure your choice is what you want and not anyone elses.

The individuals I know that own the LP S are extremely happy with it and they should be. Two of the owners, I personally recommended the LP S cartridge to over others that would catch the favor of many due to the name of those cartridges alone, are not second guessing their decision.

The Benz cartridges do extremely well at trackability, as they have in the past. The addition of the new micro-ridge stylus improves all of the Benz S class cartridges (including LP S as well as the SLR Gullwing) in the area I had always felt they could use improvement - Traceability. The new S class cartridges have very respectable traceability.

You have a tough choice ahead of you but the choice is among two excellent cartridges. The task for you is to get a handle on your current setup and decide if the additional warmth of the LP S will be an issue for you. This added warmth of the LP S is not overly noticeable but it is there.

Both cartridges should be more than capable of providing excellent sound that will keep you satisfied for some time to come. Additionally, your arm is a design that will allow both cartridges to mate and perform well.
