What is the best Reel To Reel machine ever built?

Everyone who has listened to master tapes or dubs knows about the well balanced sound they provide. But it is also important to have a fine tape recorder or playing machine to enjoy the tapes' qualities in a good system.
Maybe my question was raised once before but the relevance of the topic is now greater as the tapes are back to more and more audiophile friends, especially those who are owning excellent phono chains.

I have seen many big & professional machines being recently offered and sold on e-bay, Audiogon and other platforms and I am discussing within a small group which machine is really the "holy grail" among the R2Rs. So why not here. I am interested in findings.
John Stephens built the very best sounding professional deck ever built.

Just try to find an owner willing to sell one.

Hello Eckart,

Sam, oh yes you are a lucky owner of a A820. May I ask you and Mike if are using the A820 at 30 ips?
I have some 30 ips, half-track, half-inch master dubs around. Also, I have some 24-track master tapes that I imagine were recorded at 30 ips...Hmmm -- maybe, a Studer A827 in the future?? Hehe :-)


Hello Sam,
We did not talk about the Nagras and the MCIs so far.
I have also not seen any comments about the big Sony machines.

when the big DASH machines were introduced they did quite some good recordings, e.g. for the ECM label. The problem seems to be that the digital sources are getting rare.

best @ fun only

Hi Eckart,

I haven't any direct experience with either the Nagras or MCI's, but I'm quite interested in the Nagras for location recording.

At present we have the Ampex 351-2 (updated), the Studer, a very nice Sony (allows you to change from 1/4" to 1/2" tape in seconds), an Otari and a Tascam.

In the past I used to do a lot of the on-location work with a Magnacord, a nice tube machine that is excellent but does not get much mention.

Mike is right about the rather crude setup of the Ampex 350 transport (we also have a 300 transport and things are no better with it). When I did the update/upgrade of the Ampex I chose the AG-440 transport. At least it has automatic head lifters! It also has a flutter idler in the headnest.

Years ago I did a recording of a large choral/orchestral work called Canto General. Mikas Theodorakis was in town to conduct, so I didn't want any screwups. So I used two tape machines, the Studer A-80 and the Ampex and made two master tapes. In playback the Ampex could use either tape and was obviously more musical than the Studer. The Ampex-made tape also sounded better on the Studer than the tape that it made. Both machines were in good condition and this was in 1986.

Now the difference I heard was one that is often described as the difference between tubes and transistors, so if you prefer transistors you may well have liked the Studer's tape more. I have to say- it was/is damned impressive.

The biggest weakness I have heard in tape machines is actually in record mode- transistor machines are prone to a certain kind of modulation noise that shows up most in simple passages. This is due to the head driver transistor being sensitive to the bias signal- special traps have to be used in SS machines to reduce this problem. Tube machines are immune.

So if you are in playback only IMO you have greater flexibility about which machine is the 'best', however it will certainly be a mastering deck unless somebody has really tweaked the hell out of a lessor machine. BTW the mastering machines respond really well to such tweaking. We have replaced every chip and coupling cap in sight in the Sony and the results were spectacular.