2011 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet

2011 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest Analog Reports + Meet and Greet

The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is quickly approaching. Just like last year, I’m planning to use this thread to capture anticipated analog related information about the show as well as impressions.

The past four years of RMAF visits have been fun, entertaining, and rewarding. I go to the show for many reasons but mostly to meet other music lovers/audiophiles and industry professionals. The diversity of music, equipment, and personalities are very interesting to me. A link to last year's comments can be found here: 2010 RMAF Comments

There should be quite a few interesting things going on at this year’s RMAF. If you haven’t attended the show, you should seriously consider going. I’ll post a few things I anticipate seeing at this year's RMAF in the tread reply below.

I’ve also found out that AudiogoN member Cello has set up a meet and greet on Friday night @ Garcia's Restaurant located across the street from the Marriot. More details to follow. The past three meet and greets in 2008, 2009 and 2010 have been very enjoyable. I expect the same from this one as well.

Please feel free to post your attendance plans now and your analog experiences after the show.

In the previous years, it has been suggested that we put our AudiogoN Monikers in the field below our names on the RMAF badges. I think this is a great idea to continue into this year.

I'm looking forward to meeting many of you at the show,
I suggest a lead sheet lined Anvil Case for those precious 15 IPS reels, Myles. :)
I have reserved a room and paid the registration fee but am still waffling on whether to attend. But if I do, it will be to take away LPs as much as anything else, so I would not be bringing any. I will listen to yours, Dre.

Stop waffling and commit to attending the show. Where else are you going to meet so many folks with similar hobby interests? I've made this a yearly event and have never regretted going even if I find much comfort in coming home and enjoying my own system. The most enjoyable things for me are the people you get to meet and the faces/personalities placed with monikers.

Since you are going to listen to my LPs, you might as well suggest one...

I Look forward to seeing you in two weeks!

After nearly a two week break from LP selection to work a different project, I've returned to my RMAF selection process. Although sometimes difficult to do, Included in this list are some pretty difficult LPs that still playback well and entertain those that are listening. I still need to add a couple more Classical LPs which is difficult because I don't have many duplicates and I'm not completely willing to bring hard to replace selections.

Below is the current list I've put together So far..

New additions for this year:
Gatemouth Brown - Standing My Ground
Melody Gardot - My One and Only Thrill
Eva Cassidy - Songbird
Michael Hedges - Aerial Boundaries
Ray Lamontagne - Till The Sun Turns Black

Returns from last year's list:
Linda Ronstadt - What's New
Sara K. - Water Falls
Rossini - I'Italiana in Algeri, Sinfonia

Possible returns from last year:
Rickie Lee Jones - Girl at Her Volcano
Tyrone Brunson - Sticky Situation
Herbie Hancock - Future Shock

I have a little over a week to work on the remaining LPs

Anyone else know what LPs they are brining?
I'll be at the show all weekend, and am looking forward to meeting you guys! Like others, I'll be leaving my precious vinyl at home, but expect to be leaving with a couple of black pizzas!

I might even take a few photos for the mag (Vinylphile)... :-)