The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I have no doubt that the Cirrus is a fine speaker. But shill or not, if that's the very best you have ever heard (remember the thread title), you need to get out more often.

Had auditioned a few and was ready to buy a Wilson watt puppy 7 then a sophia 3 and wound up buying a Wilson audio Sasha. Listened to it for hours at dealer. Can't wait to set it up,
Congrats Jmaffia,

My favourite of this long line of Wilson speakers. What are you using to drive them? They are one of the tougher Wilsons to drive, and specifically (i recall) have a very low impedance around 80hz which can cause some amps to have a bit trouble full controlling the speaker. They are a great sounding speaker...enjoy!
Fredless, how do the the ARS Acoustica Celera compare to the
ARS Acoustica Gravitas Max? Arthur at thought only the Coincident Pure Reference Extreme Speakers were better then the ARS Gravitas Max.

I heard the ARS Gravitas Max at the Stereophile show in 1996 in NY. They were being played on Lamm Amps.
The speakers were fast with a nice midrange and the bass was fast and tight. The speakers were really good.
They were designed by Irv Eisenberg
Here's a pic of the ARS Gravitas Max

I have always enjoyed the effortless power of Fried's G3, and Ohm Acoustic's Walsh 5000. Their dynamic presentation they put forth in such a matter of fact, non-intimidated way reminded me of the Snell Type A also. Ballsy command and authority, or supple gentleness, whatever your pleasure, these masters of sonics have always been my all time favorites. I'll never forget the privilege I had listening to them.