Cartridge find Audio Technica AT155LC - any good?

Anyone have experience with this cartridge? I think it's a MM, did a google search and couldn't find what the output or VTF is. Any help is appreciated :-)
Maybe it's time to move on to an AT150MLX. Currently in production and has a MicroLine stylus (excellent tracker, very long lasting) instead of the Line Contact.
Regards, anxious ones: Three ATN155LC styli here. One unmarked, one with the notorious blue dot, another with a black dot. Also a SN (Signet) TK7LCa, unmarked. The significance of those markings may relate to production schedules, assembly station or inspection. Among other possibilities, who other than AT can say for certain?

Of the four cantilevers, all are ground at an angle at the stylus interface, equal length and of a diameter slightly greater than the "V Magnets". A quick look at the end should show a solid rod, not a pipe. Beryllium's color is close to polished steel, a slight grey"ish" cast. Boron tends towards a bronze. The stylus in question should be exceptionally clear, jewel quality and nude mounted. Even at 10X, the radical cuts to the face of the stylus should be evident, as well as the high level of polish.

Purchased over a span of four years the three ATN155LCs as well as the OEM Signet have the compliance screw set with a white sealant. I've seen AT compliance screws set with yellow, blue, red, green, black and clear. It's unlikely any meddling with the cantilever would be undetectable.

I've patronized TTN for years. All examples have been exactly as described. In one transaction excessive sealant on an ATN15Xe prevented the assembly from seating in the cart, distortion was evident. Emails were exchanged. Once "Steve" (IIRC) concluded there was no intent to perpetrate a scam it was agreed the excess could be removed without compromising return privileges, he offered to send his last example immediately. At that point, five seconds with a hobby knife and the issue was resolved.

Indianrider, I see nothing errant about the TTN reference to the beryllium cantilevered ATN155LC, shown now as obsolete (unavailable). The last time I checked StereoNeedles did still offer the OEM assembly. Due to personal preferences I'll do business elsewhere.

No associations with TTN other than confidence, caveat emptor is always good advise.

Hello Timeltel, any ideas why TTneedles would take the 155lc out of the original box, and install it in a tin?

Also, as described above, the 155lc shows to come out of the Astatic line at the top of the TTneedles page. i don't believe they were monkeyed with, I am suspecting they are Astatic replacements.

I have enjoyed this, whatever 155, for a few years on different cartridges. In a way, it is a good thing, as I will now hear the other 155lc in an AT box and compare.

It only matters now, because I hate to put out bad info.
Hi, Acman3: I can only guess as to why styli are not kept in original packaging, this may due to standardizing cataloging/storage procedures. AFAIK, typical TTN packaging is a fairly fragile plastic box. The more costly styli are shipped in sturdier tins. Several years past, I received a genuine Acutex stylus in the plastic package from TTN. Shipped in a padded envelope, the flimsy box was shattered. "Steve" responded the tins were relatively expensive, since that episode the several styli I've received have been in the very handy tins.

Astatic reference codes are fairly universal regardless of provenance. The presence of a copyrighted logo such as AT, Shure or Empire on the assembly should be an assurance of authenticity. If absent then it's very likely an aftermarket replacement. For these aftermarket styli, Astatic used a four-digit code, usually beginning with either "N" or "4". such as 4718-DEQ.

It's a good practice to confirm with the vendor that the stylus is indeed OEM. I recently reserved a Pickering TL4 stylus with the condition that it was, as indicated, a genuine Pickering product. The supplier B--z something-or-other ;) didn't bother to respond.

Danny, I don't see any bad information contained in your posts, nor on the TTN site. What I do see is several online vendors picturing a package showing the Astatic three digit code such as *718-DEQ, indicating an OEM stylus, meanwhile the stylus offered is obviously a generic replacement.

Caveat emptor indeed.

Musichead,Any of the ideas above are good for replacement stylus. There are 155lc stylus available. The 140lc is a good stylus at under $100, and I like Johnnyb's idea on the 150 stylus.

I was off work today and broke in the new AT155lc stylus, it sounds exactly the same as the old AT 155 stylus with the blue dot from Turntableneedles , just like Timeltel said.

Much adu about nothing. Enjoy your cartridge.