Upgraded to Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement?

Has any Goldfinger v2 owner upgraded to the new Goldfinger Statement MC? If so, what is your impression?
I know the Goldfinger 1 and 2 and all owners - who spent a sum of money for that - think, it is a great cartridge and the later one is better than the one before.
The usual game. The audiophile expects an improvement when he spends money. Or he feels uncomfortable when he does not buy something... I am confident, the first owner of that one will give you a rave.
(I can't support that, because someone has to pay me when I should listen to Coldfingers..)
Everyone will definitely rave about what they own. That is for sure. I just like to know what the improvements are. What is Coldfingers?

I disagree with your assessment that the Goldfinger cartridge is "cold" sounding, via your "coldfingers" joke. (I assume you are saying that they are overly analytical, and not warm, i.e. they are cold sounding. Correct?) I've heard the Goldfinger, (as a matter of fact, in Audiolui's system), and it sounded very good. It did not sound overly analytical to me, but I will agree that it was very detailed. But then again, most extremely high end cartridges do sound very detailed, such as my Dynavector XV-1S, and even most of the cartridges listed in your system, (with the exception of the Koetsu of course!)

FYI: I'll be perfectly honest and state I don't know if it sounded better than my XV-1S, but it certainly sounded as good. (I've not heard his system enough to come to that conclusion. Although, if I recall correctly, he used to own a XV-1S, and he said it sounded slightly better.)

In fact, I would say that while it is certainly not warm like the Koestu, it is warmer than most of the Lyra cartridges that I've heard. (I believe you own, or have owned, both of those lines of cartridges.)

My two cents worth.